Efficient numerical algorithms for simulating quantum dynamics

Jason Kaye, Flatiron Institute
11/10, 2021 at 4:10PM-5PM in https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/186935273

I will describe a few new algorithms which reduce computational bottlenecks in simulations of quantum many-body dynamics.

In time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT), the many-body wavefunction is approximated using a collection of single-particle wavefunctions, which independently satisfy the Schrodinger equation and are coupled through an effective potential. I will introduce a high-order, FFT-based solver for free space (nonperiodic) problems in TDDFT which sidesteps the usual requirement of imposing artificial boundary conditions.

Many-body Green's functions, which describe correlations between quantum observables, enable practical simulations beyond the effective one-body picture of TDDFT. The Green's functions satisfy history dependent Volterra integro-differential equations with kernel nonlinearities. I will outline efficient history integration algorithms which significantly extend feasible propagation times in both equilibrium and nonequilibrium calculations.