Numerical methods for multi-layer coating flows

Luke Corcos, UC Berkeley
12/4, 2023 at 4:10PM-5PM in 939 Evans (for in-person talks) and

A mathematical model and numerical framework are presented for computing multi-physics multi-layer coating flow dynamics, with applications to the leveling of multi-layer paint films. The algorithm combines finite difference level set methods and high-order accurate sharp-interface implicit mesh discontinuous Galerkin methods to capture a complex set of multi-physics, incorporating Marangoni-driven multi-phase interfacial flow and the transport, mixing, and evaporation of multiple dissolved species. In particular, we develop several numerical methods for this multi-physics problem, including: high-order local discontinuous Galerkin methods for Poisson problems with Robin boundary conditions on implicitly-defined domains, to capture solvent evaporation; finite difference surface gradient methods, to robustly and accurately incorporate Marangoni stresses; and a coupled multi-physics time stepping approach, to incorporate all the different solvers at play including quasi-Newtonian fluid flow. The framework is applicable to an arbitrary number of layers and dissolved species; here, we apply it in a variety of settings, including multi-solvent evaporative paint dynamics, the flow and leveling of multi-layer automobile paint coatings in both 2D and 3D, and an examination of interfacial turbulence within a multi-layer matter cascade. Our results reproduce several phenomena observed in experiment, such as the formation of Marangoni plumes and B\'{e}nard cells. We also use the model to study the impact of long-wave deformational surface modes on immersed interfaces as well as the emergence of the final multi-layer film profile.