January 17th: | Yantao Wu, Princeton University A variational functional in simulations of statistical mechanics |
January 24th, Evans 736: Note the special location | Jay Gopalakrishnan, Portland State University Using spacetime tents to solve hyperbolic systems |
January 26th, Evans 748: Note special date and location | Andrew Bernoff, Harvey Mudd College Energy driven pattern formation in thin fluid layers: The good, the bad and the beautiful |
January 31st: | Will Pazner, Brown University and UC Berkeley Efficient solvers and preconditioners for the implicit time integration of discontinuous Galerkin methods |
February 7th: | Robert Falgout, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Multigrid solvers in space and time for highly concurrent architectures |
February 14th: | No seminar |
February 21st: | Bao Wang, University of California, Los Angeles Deep learning with data dependent implicit activation and graph stacked recurrent neural network for spatial-temporal data analysis |
February 28th: | Karel Matous, University of Notre Dame Integrated computational materials engineering |
March 7th: | Paul Cazeaux, University of Kansas Modeling electronic transport properties in incommensurate 2D multilayer materials. |
March 14th: | Mitchell Luskin, University of Minnesota Modeling and simulation of plasmons in 2D materials |
March 21st: | Raunak Borker, Stanford University A higher-accuracy discontinuous Galerkin method for variable-coefficient advection-diffusion problems |
March 28th: | Spring break |
April 4th: | Dallas Trinkle, University Of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Lattice Green function calculations in the presence of a dislocation |
April 11th: | Wei Cai, Stanford University Mesoscale Networks: from Microstructure Evolution to Material Properties |
April 18th: | Saad Qadeer, University of California, Berkeley Simulating nonlinear Faraday waves on a cylinder |
April 25th: | Zhengyu Huang, Stanford University High-order, linearly stable, partitioned solvers for general multiphysics problems based on implicit-explicit Runge-Kutta schemes |
April 30th, 3PM-4PM, Evans 939: Note special date, time, location | Drew Kouri, Sandia National Laboratories Smoothing techniques for risk-averse PDE-constrained optimization |