Unless otherwise noted, all seminars are on Wednesdays from 11:10AM-12:00PM in 939 Evans (for in-person talks) and https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/98667278310.
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1/29: (Host:Franziska) | Alexis Kaminski, UC Berkeley Fluxes and mixing of reacting biogeochemical scalars in a stratified shear layer |
02/05: (Host:Franziska) | Jacob Elafandi, UC Berkeley Finite element analysis of a nematic liquid crystal Landau-de Gennes model with quartic elastic terms |
02/12: | TBA |
02/19: (Host:Lin) | Hongkang Ni, Stanford Error Analysis of a New Eigenmatrix-Based Method for Unstructured Sparse Recovery |
02/26: | TBA |
03/05: (Host:Anuj) | Daniele Venturi, UC Santa Cruz TBA |
03/12: | TBA |
03/19: (Host:Franziska) | Noel Walkington, Carnegie Mellon University TBA |
04/02: (Host:Anuj/Franziska) | Tom Hou, Caltech TBA |
04/09: (Host:Lin) | Jason Kaye, Flatiron Institute TBA |
04/16: (Host:Sunny) | Nisha Candramoorthy, U Chicago |
04/23: (Host:Anuj) | Noemi Petra, UC Merced TBA |
04/30: (Host:Per) | Yulong (Lewis) Pan, UC Berkeley |